Malawi 2021 Croptype Training Data

Ground truth data collected under a joint effort with FAO and NASA Harvest, collecting geolocated croptype and landcover observations in Malawi for validation and training of croptype and cropland/noncropland maps. Field campaign held from 6/16/2021 to 6/26/2021 in Malawi. Data collection was held in the following districts: Karonga, Mzimba North, Mzimba South, Nkhata Bay, Kasungu, Nkhotakota, Salima, Chiradzulu, Mangochi, Mulanje, Thyolo. At each agricultural field sampled an enumerator collected two point geometries, one at the edge of the field boundary and one ten paces into the field. For records with two clearly different points, the field boundary was photointerpreted with Planet Labs imagery, intersecting the first point and encapsulating the second point. However, due to the way Survey123 captures location, sometime the second point was the same as the first point. To find these field boundaries, the first point and the orientation of the field were used to determine direction, a new point was added approximately 7 meters in that direction, and the field boundary was drawn.

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Field Value
Author Blake Munshell
Last Updated October 19, 2022, 07:36 (UTC)
Created February 2, 2022, 14:34 (UTC)
Campaign Start - End 6/16/2021 - 6/26/2021
Citation FAO/ NASA Harvest Malawi 2021 Croptype Training Data
Contributors FAO, NASA Harvest
Type Point, Polygon
spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 32.8271484375, -9.25393615681445 ], [ 32.882080078125, -9.633245727691197 ], [ 33.42041015625, -10.509416700845861 ], [ 33.211669921875, -10.703791711680724 ], [ 33.06884765625, -11.189179572173774 ], [ 33.167724609375, -12.232654837013472 ], [ 32.87109375, -12.425847783029134 ], [ 32.420654296875, -13.507155459536333 ], [ 33.541259765625, -14.700508321287561 ], [ 34.310302734375, -14.732386081418454 ], [ 34.0576171875, -15.749962572748755 ], [ 34.969482421875, -17.182779056431826 ], [ 35.35400390625, -17.23525150539052 ], [ 35.9033203125, -16.14081555527601 ], [ 36.024169921875, -14.743010965702714 ], [ 35.189208984375, -13.742053062720371 ], [ 34.8486328125, -13.378931658431553 ], [ 34.639892578125, -13.603278132528756 ], [ 34.453125, -13.389619591747595 ], [ 34.486083984375, -13.036669323115234 ], [ 34.266357421875, -12.2863338107138 ], [ 34.4970703125, -11.501556900932487 ], [ 35.035400390625, -11.512322409887743 ], [ 34.815673828125, -10.865675826639414 ], [ 34.60693359375, -9.947208977327021 ], [ 34.0576171875, -9.362352822055593 ], [ 32.8271484375, -9.25393615681445 ] ] ] }