Data and Resources
Land UseCSV
Total area of the country, arable land area, permanent crop area, cultivated...
Total, rural, and urban populations, and population density.
Economy, Development, and Food SecurityCSV
GDP, GDP per capita, agricultural percent value added to GDP, agricultural...
Long-term average annual precipitation in depth and volume, and National...
Internal Renewable Water ResourcesCSV
Surface water produced internally, groundwater produced internally, overlap...
External Renewable Surface Water ResourcesCSV
Surface water entering country, inflow not submitted to treaties, inflow...
External Renewable Groundwater ResourcesCSV
Groundwater entering the country, accounted inflow, water leaving to other...
External Renewable Total Water ResourcesCSV
External Renewable Total Water Resources
Total Renewable Water ResourcesCSV
Total renewable surface water, total renewable groundwater, overlap between...
Exploitable Water Resources and Dam CapacityCSV
Regular and irregular renewable surface water, total renewable surface water,...
Water Withdrawal by SectorCSV
Agricultural water withdrawal, industrial water withdrawal, municipal water...
Water Withdrawal by SourceCSV
Fresh surface water and groundwater withdrawal, total freshwater withdrawal,...
Produced municipal wastewater, collected municipal wastewater, treated...
Pressure on Water ResourcesCSV
MDG 7.5. Freshwater withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources,...
Area Under Agricultural Water ManagementCSV
Irrigation potential, area equipped for full control irrigation: surface...
Area Equipped by Irrigation by Source of WaterCSV
Area equipped for irrigation by surface water, area equipped for irrigation...
Power Irrigated AreaCSV
Area equipped for power irrigation (surface water or groundwater) and percent...
Irrigated Crop Area and Cropping IntensityCSV
Total harvested irrigated crop area (full control irrigation), harvested...
Irrigated Crop Area by CropCSV
Harvested irrigated temporary crop area for wheat, rice, barley, maize,...
Irrigated Crop YieldCSV
Ratio between rainfed and irrigated yields
Area equipped for irrigation drained, non-irrigated cultivated area drained,...
Area salinized by irrigation, percent of area equipped for irrigation...
Access to Improved Drinking Water SourceCSV
Total, rural, and urban population with access to safe drinking water.
Population affected by water related diseases.
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | https://www.fao.org/aquastat/en/databases/maindatabase/ |
Last Updated | October 15, 2021, 15:03 (UTC) |
Created | October 15, 2021, 13:23 (UTC) |