URL: https://data.harvestportal.org/dataset/03368b04-6479-47a2-b901-0773a95c96eb/resource/eae8a6de-0702-4360-be5e-3caa2e83f759/download/aquastat_wastewater.csv
Produced municipal wastewater, collected municipal wastewater, treated municipal wastewater, number of municipal wastewater treatment facilities, capacity of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities, not treated municipal wastewater, treated municipal wastewater discharged (secondary water), not treated municipal wastewater discharged (secondary water), direct use of treated municipal wastewater, direct use of treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes, direct use of not treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes, area equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewater, and area equipped for irrigation by direct use of not treated municipal wastewater.
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